Rev. Dr. Augustinos Bairachtaris



Rev. Dr. Augustinos Bairachtaris (Thessaloniki 1977) is Assistant Professor of Ecumenical Theology, History of the Ecumenical Movement, inter-Christian and inter-Religious Dialogue at the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Heraklion – Crete. He is also associated member of the Volos Academy for Theological Studies and member of the Societas Oecumenica. Under his guidance 7 students have been obtained their degree of Theology. He has studied Theology at the Universities of Thessaloniki, Geneva and Fribourg. During the last 4 years he has actively been member of the Focolari Movimento attending in two general conferences (Italy 2011) and (Istanbul 2012). In 2012 and 2014 the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew nominated him as special advisor of the international Forum between the Orthodox and Catholic Church.

Augustinos Bairactaris publishes regularly in periodicals and collective volumes about the development of the ecumenism, the Orthodox ecclesiology and especially the Orthodox participation within the WCC, divers themes regarding the bilateral and multilateral dialogue such as the official dialogues between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Oriental Orthodox Churches. 


  • Baptism and Ecumenical Dialogue – An Orthodox approach, ed. Pournaras, Thessaloniki 2010, pp. 453 (in Greek).
  • The Christological teaching of St. John of Damascus against the refusers of the divinity and humanity of the Incarnated Logos, ed. Pournaras, Thessaloniki 2010, pp. 267 (in Greek).
  • Oikoumene – Economy – Ecology: social peace, economic justice and environmental sustainability as necessary conditions for life, forward by Rev. Dr. Georges Tsetsis, (in Greek - under publication in 2014 by Stamoulis editions).
  • Theology and Religious Pluralism in a modern world, forward by Dr. Emeritus Prof. Petros Vasiliadis, (in Greek - under publication in 2014 by Stamoulis editions).


  • « Kleronomia » - (ΚΛΗΡΟΝΟΜΙΑ) :
    1. «Une interprétation ecclésiologique et théologique de l’expression églises sœurs vis-à-vis le contenu de terme églises locales», vol. 36, (2007), pp. 119-140 (in French).
  • « Τhe Ecumenical Review » :
    1. «Ecumenical Dialogue; necessity of our time and the inner source of the renewal», vol. 62.2, (October 2010), pp. 302-307 (in English).
  • « Yearbook of the School of Divinity Aristotle’s University Thessaloniki – Academic Year 2011-2012 » :
    1. « The inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue as a praxis of the inter-relation », pp. 51-59.
  • « Yearbook of the University Ecclesiastical Academy of Heraklion Academic Year 2012-2013 » :
    1. « Review of the relation between economy and oikoumene in the 20th century:  Globalization and Christian hope», vol. 2 (2013), pp. 387-420 (in Greek).
  • « Theologia » - (ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑ) :
    1. « The economy of Theology and the economy of the Market; searching for the balance », vol. 83, (December 2012), pp. 23-58 (in Greek).
    2. « The Decalogue of the inter-religious dialogue and the paradigm of the Religious Pluralism », vol. 84, (October-December 2013), pp. 13-32 (in Greek).
  • « Gregorios Palamas » - (ΓΡΗΓΟΡΙΟΣ ΠΑΛΑΜΑΣ) :
    1. « L’identité des églises Orientales Catholiques du rite byzantin », vol. 823, (July-August 2008), pp. 577-608 (in French).
    2. « The ecclesiological approach of the Baptismal text of BEM in the context of the Ecumenical Dialogue », vol. 828, (May-June 2009), pp. 321-360 (in Greek).
    3. « The ecclesiological dimension of Mission according to the Orthodox perspective », vol. 841, (November-December 2009), pp. 743-762 (in English).
    4. « Le cadre et les perspectives œcuméniques d’un dialogue théologique officiel entre l’Église Orthodoxe et Catholique Romaine », vol. 833, (March – April 2010), pp. 203-258 (in French).
    5. « Encountering the ecological and economic debt as a necessary condition of a peaceful co-existence of peoples », vol. 844, (January – February 2012), pp. 3-26 (in Greek).


  • From English to Greek the book of Ion Bria, The Liturgy after the Liturgy, ed. WCC, Geneva, 1996. (Under publication).
  • From English to Greek the Document of WCC AGAPE, published in Tsompanidis St., Ecclesiology and Globalization, ed. Pournaras, Thessaloniki 2008, pp. 152-165.

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